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With our expert Transformational Mentors, Life Coach's & M.A.T Teachers 
Our powerful transformational Focused Mindful Aware Life Learning session will not just make you stronger but will actually transform your pain into acceptance and enable you to start moving forwards again and fast!
  • Understand why it hurts when loss comes.
  • Create deep acceptance of your loved one who has passed.
  • Allow Love to decide not Sorrow.. what would your loved one want for you.
  • Clarity on cycle of Love and Death - Connection 
  • Focus on Being You again! Move away from sadness and start living again.
  • Learn to Channelise Grief energies and move yourself to peaceful place
  • Understand Real Living…How to start moving forward now.
  • Resolve the Guilt of moving on and not feeling bad for letting go. Your loved one will always be your loved one.

With these benefits you will truly learn how to fill Your Life again with happiness well-being and Meaningfulness! by Honouring your love & Rising in Grief and saying Yes to Life again! 

The Benefits and convenience of our 1-1 online support is so you can attend the session wherever you are as long as you have access to the internet and have privacy. 

Online 1-1 allows our clients to attend from the comfort of their homes or wherever is convenient, which provides a more relaxed and comfortable space in sessions.
'Key Benefits'  0f  Our Sessions
Deborah Macken Wood - A Certified Master Grief Coach, Master Mindful Awareness Life Coach/Mentor, Master Stress & Anxiety Coach, Trauma Release Body Therapist, P.I. Master Mind Coach. 

Deborah's Journey: From Personal Loss to Global Transformations 

"I lost my beloved husband in May 2011. He was only 34 years old, and the tragedy of losing him so early in our lives was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. It was completely out of my control, and the pain, sadness, and emptiness that followed were crippling. I searched every widow site for support, attended grief counseling, and leaned on friends and family, but nothing seemed to ease the overwhelming loneliness. I felt like I was drowning in grief, just existing in the shadow of my loss.

How could I ever come back from this? I desperately wanted to move forward and find happiness again, but it just wasn’t happening. My mind knew this was a process, but my heart only felt love and a longing to have him back. The pain was consuming, and I kept asking myself, ‘How long do I have to keep feeling like this?’

A year after his death, I traveled to India to fulfill one of my late husband’s wishes to take some of his ashes to the Holy River Ganga. Despite my anxiety, fear, and panic, I knew I had to do this. What I didn’t know was that this journey would open a door to my future a future filled with exceptional life transformations, not only for myself but for countless others.

During my time in India, I studied deeply, earning my Mastery Degree in Human Mind and Dynamics in the Himalayas over five years. I learned about the human mind, emotions, grief, and every challenge life can bring. I discovered a different approach to healing a faster way to return to our true selves, away from pain and suffering. It was faith that guided me, and this has now become my purpose in life.

I feel incredibly blessed and deeply grateful to our mentor Krishiv AnantaGuru here in India for giving me the most powerful teachings and endless support to support and teach thousands to be their higher self. I am able to share these beautiful, powerful, and exceptional teachings with the world. Over the past 13 years, I have supported thousands of people globally, helping them move away from the pain of grief and every other life challenge that holds people back and fast.

What I didn’t know back then about moving forward from such a tragic loss, I certainly know now. The ability to help others transform their pain into acceptance, to find peace, and to start living their lives again, is a blessing that I am honored to share.

Isn’t this what our loved ones would want for us? To live a life full of happiness, meaning, and fearlessness in their honor? Nothing can bring our loved ones back, and nothing can replace their presence. But by acknowledging their love and living a joyful life, we can give them the greatest gift: honoring their memory by living well.

Our Focused Mindful Aware Life Learning sessions do not only make you stronger they transform your pain into acceptance, allowing you to move forward. This doesn’t mean we stop missing our loved ones, but it does mean that we are no longer crippled by grief. We find acceptance and peace, and who doesn’t want that?"

Love & Light always 

Grief can be very painful and disabling experience...but what if that could change!
There is always Light.. 
all we need to do is look for it! 
Grief can be Transformed into beautiful Meaningful Expression of Love 
Deborah Macken
I cannot express enough how this women has supported me over the past few weeks online with my grief. Wow! Deborah you are truly a gift to anyone that needs support. You have taken me out of my darkest days around my grief and not just 1 loss 3 losses. You are such an amazing person I don't know how you do it but don't ever stop because the world needs you in it. Wow! So much love from me and the little ones at the Renouf home. Can't wait until you return to Jersey in an a few weeks to take you for a coffee and meet you in person. So much love and respect Susan xxx
Susan P Renouf
Jersey, Channel Islands 
I was recommended Deborah through a close friend of mine to help with my struggles of loving myself and surrounding by losing loved ones and before the loss of another person close to my heart to help prepare myself for it. Debbie really helped me understand and see losing someone I loved in a new light, instead of seeing past loved ones dying as them abandoning me but that it wasn’t them abandoning me. I may of only had a few sessions with her but they honestly turned my life around for the better and helped me push through the hard times that came not long after, after losing another loved one. But the sessions truly helped me deal with the grief and learning to love myself in the process. Debbie helping me realise these things and giving me the push I needed to see life and love in a different light that I never did before. Thank you so much Debbie for all your words of encouragement, listening and giving me a new way of seeing life, death, love and myself. It truly made a big change in my life and I’m not sure how I would of coped with another loss without you giving me a new insight into life. You truly are a diamond and I would recommend her highly for anyone looking for someone to help you be your best self and cope with hard times!!
Leoni Bent
London, United Kingdom 
‘Love is Infinite’ …. Who would have known this simple but powerful trilogy of words could make such a difference to one’s self! I went to see Deborah as I had been highly recommended a while ago while I was going through ‘stuff!’ I just hadn’t made that appointment due to one thing and another. I’m a big believer in timing and that things will happen when it’s right for you! It was right for me yesterday and it was my time! Feeling so sad…lacking in confidence… not coping with work and every day life… it was TIME to contact Deborah and as chance would have it, she was in town! That’s what I call… ‘Meant to be!’ Although I am blessed that I have the most amazing support from my gorgeous hubby, mum and friends, I just couldn’t seem to pick myself up and nor could they! An eighteen month roller coaster which resulted in me losing my lovely step-mum and my amazing dad last year has been emotional to say the least. I have had to dig deep more than you know, but as time has gone on I’d totally lost myself! I met with Deborah yesterday and I have to say I knew as soon as I walked in the room, that hug, that energy in the room, I was going to walk out feeling different! I wasn’t wrong, what an amazing ‘session’, ‘meeting’ ‘chat’… whatever you call it, it was just what I needed. I now have a totally different perspective on the grief I have been feeling, the sense of loss for both Dad & Jill and the feeling of being lost in myself! I have no regrets! So important! ‘Love is infinite!’ Thank you so much Deborah xxx
Jersey, Channel Islands 
Kirsty Wilson-Seabrook
Faye Sumner
Grief can take over your life, when you have hurt and pain already it can destroy you if you let it. I was lucky enough to come across an amazing lady Deborah and her team of angels that help people regain their clarity about what life is all about... I cannot even put into words how much their support, knowledge, guidance and love has done for me at what has been literally the worst time of my life. I'm finally feeling and getting back to my true self. I ask anyone who is suffering internally in any way to contact these wonderful human beings at Ask Life Clarity. You can regain your love of self and of life with their help and support, I promise you that. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart Deborah and team Ask Life Clarity and the amazing Krishiv AnantaGuru... Keep up your amazing work and one day I hope to help people the way you do. Love and light Always ❤❤
London, United Kingdom
Just Some Of Our Reviews & Feedback 

PLEASE visit website for more
It’s very rare you get to meet someone that not only nurtures your soul but gives you everything they have in their support and goes even beyond that. Deborah, you have changed my heart and my understanding around grief like I cannot express. Two and half years ago I lost my daughter to tragic circumstances and 9 months later my husband got cancer and passed in space of one month of finding out. I never imagined I could or ever would feel me again or even want to live but you turned this around for me and I can never thank you enough. I took 3 sessions online with Deborah as she is currently in India mentoring and when I took the call with her first for half an hour, afterwards, I felt a huge weight lifted already like hope. 3 sessions later and I am now in a place of peace and deepest love and acceptance around my losses and I am able to see the light. Deborah is by far one of the best expert networks out there. I have been going to grief counselling 16 months and nothing and I mean nothing can compare to Deborah support. I will never forget this and I will forever be extremely grateful to you. Your love and support and amazing ways of seeing loss in a totally different light is so beautiful and freeing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Deborah. Sadie
Sadie Milner 
Dublin, Ireland 
Thank you is just not enough, Deborah, you truly are an angel I believe my wife and son sent to me. I lost my wife and 2-year-old son 4 years ago. They both left this world together under tragic circumstances due to a drunk driver. I lost my mind and have seen many people over these years to try and recover and have spent many months being supported by a team for trauma but unfortunately, it was not helping me. I felt lost beyond words or feelings. I was given Deborah's name by a friend who had seen Deborah before a few years ago for her own challenges and her words to me...You need to connect with this person I know she can make things better, please just connect. Four days later I was on a call with Deborah the happiest person I have ever met and made me feel there was hope. 4 weeks later after 5 sessions with deborah I am already starting to rebuild my mind and my heart and my life. How I can explain about Deborah and her work she is like the mother earth of hard-hitting support that I can only say is a gift. Deborah has taken me out of my grief and now I am in the deepest of acceptance and love for my angels above I will live this life for them and for me and my level of happiness and hope has skyrocketed. Utter respect for you Deborah you are just another level thank you from my heart and for giving me a reason to live again. 
Paul Howard 
Kent, United Kingdom 
Kath Fishwick 
I was at an all time low having lost my mum and my partner in a very short period of time. Whilst I could accept the loss of my mum as she had suffered with MND for years and had told me herself she had “had enough”, I struggled to accept the loss of my partner. I felt guilty that he’d gone snd I was still here, churned things over in my mind constantly, wondering if I could have done things differently. Deborah and asklifeclarity was recommended to me and I am so glad I made contact. I am in a much more positive frame of mind now, and whilst I miss my partner more than words can say, I can focus more on the happy memories we made, can talk about him without bursting into tears and smile when he wanders through my mind. Please don’t struggle alone x
Wigan, United Kingdom
Ask life Clarity exists with a core purpose of Enabling YOU to BE MORE & Take Charge of your Life and to be the happiest you can be away from any life challenges… through simple & profound Learnings & Teachings…making your life both Abundant & Meaningful. We believe we can get to this point for everyone of us by catalysing & enabling each of us to be MORE Mindful & Self Aware.

Our process of Enabling You to, not just know through our ‘Aware simplified Knowing’ (ASK) Process has the power to Transform lives and fast. .. Connect with us to... Reconnect with yourself!
Web: www.asklifeclarity.com


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